Saturday, August 3, 2013

The daily chase

Charlotte has no natural enemies. (Although I'm still not sure what that old German lady yelled at me on Monday.)

Children love her.
Other dogs love her. And, even though I usually hold her back from greeting people on the sidewalk, they usually can't resist stepping in and greeting her.

And she seems to love everyone.

Except pigeons.

Well, it's not that she doesn't like pigeons. I'm sure if she caught one, she wouldn't hurt it.

But she seems to enjoy clearing them out of the park.

Or maybe it's just a game they play.

The pigeons don't really seem to mind that much.

They usually only fly a couple of yards, then settle on the ground again.

By the way, this is a sign you see all of the time on the narrow streets of Wiesbaden.

It means, essentially, that cars can park on the sidewalk.

Which is good for cars -- but not so good for pedestrians.

The sidewalks aren't that wide to begin with!

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