With the weather a bit cooler (but the humidity still so high that even walking up and down stairs leaves you drenched in sweat) and Charlotte feeling pretty frisky, we decided to take a much longer than usual walk this morning -- down to the Kurpark Weiher, a large park surrounding a lake.
The park was full of families having picnics, people sleeping off hangovers, very sweaty joggers and, of course, lots of dogs. Charlotte wanted to say hello to everyone, person and canine alike.
This town really is full of a lot of very nice dogs, big and small. And even if we dog walkers can often only speak a few words we can both understand, the people are nearly as friendly.
I manage sometimes a "Er ist sehr freundlich" (He is friendly) or "Sie ist sehr nett" (She is very nice) -- but usually I just apologize for not being able to speak German.
On the plus side, my uvula must be getting in shape because I can now say "Guten Morgen" without people immediately knowing I'm not German.
But we managed to get inside before a light (and very welcome) rain began to fall. It's so light right now that it won't even show up on camera if I take a picture of it.
But between it and a change in the direction of the breezes, 88 degrees is beginning to feel like the new 75 to me!
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